Man, writing little blogs about shit is hard

I keep tweeting my little frustrations and shit, and the entire point of this part of the site was not to do that.

The problem is, I keep trying to make actual blogs with a structure and, if not something to say, something longer than a tweet. Whenever I start typing something up in my notepad or whatever, I inevitably start trying to structure everything, find the best words, all that shit, and I end up losing whatever emotional spark triggered my need to write.

This isn't a bad thing, I've mostly written about hating texting as it exists today, feeling FOMO over everything, and about writing little blogs about shit (though this time I'm committing).

I also wanna write about art, what about certain pieces of art draws me, and why Sonic Unleashed is objectively better than Sonic Colours, but I just keep forgetting to. And when I do remember to open the document, I just freeze and forget every word I know. I have a lot to say about this subject but I struggle to make it into an uninterrupted wall of text, I just find speaking and chatting to be waaaaay easier mediums for this topic.

At least I can say when I write about things that frustrate me, I stop feeling the frustration whenever I no longer know what to write and scrap the entire thing lol