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This is where I go when I remember I shouldn't tweet.

a chibi drawing by Gus, of my bunny fursona, posing with a purple bow. the drawing was coloured by me

I'm kidding, somewhat. I just feel like having a place where I can put the stupid bullshit that comes into my mind into words every now and then.

Keep in mind that, in the same way that I'm not a designer, I am also not a writer. My main form of art is drawing, so if you see areas that could use some improvement (like, if my writing starts to drag), feel free to reach out.

ALSO keep in mind these are mostly going to be loose thoughts in my brain. Most of the time, I am not locked to any idea. Think of this as snapshots of what is going through my mind at the time of writing.

This beautiful drawing on the sides was sketched by Gus and coloured by me.

the same chibi drawing by Gus, of my bunny fursona, posing with a purple bow. the drawing was coloured by me