Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Pretty fun! I’m glad I watched a few other slasher movies before it so I could understand what was going on and all the references.

The meta element was enjoyable, right up until the end, where they drop the allegory for a second to show you their spectacle of CGI death before picking it back up to tell you what the movie is about, the end.
Still, that was the last 10% of the movie, the other 90% is still mostly a fun ride.

There’s two other minor obstacles to overcome for enjoying this movie: one is the Joss Whedon writing, though it mostly works since his cynical witty comedy dialogue style works for the realistically cynical characters the movie has. The other minor issue is that some of the genre subversion and jokes don’t land exclusively because the movie told the audience exactly what was going on at the beginning.

It’s a good watch if you’re into slasher films!